Thursday, November 27, 2014

10 things I'm thankful for.

I told yall why halloween is my favorite holiday, so I figured I'd tell yall ten things I'm thankful for on thanksgiving.

1. My kids.
Duhh. Lol. I'm not sure where my life would be without them and even though I had them younger then I had ever anticipated, I'm thankful for them.

2. My husband.
Without him I wouldn't have my beautiful girls and for that i am forever thankful.

3. My health.
Right now I'm actually really sick and it sucks, but it could be worse.. My eyes aren't in the best of shape but they are healthy. I'm thankful I'm alive and living well.

4. A home.
A lot of people take this for granted. I watch a lot of pbs since we did away with cable about a year ago and some people are happy to have a nice size hut and fan in their room while I live in a 3 bedroom air conditioned house. I'm thankful I live in America for sure. And not all Americans have the luxury of living indoors and my prayers go out to them. Even if your living situation isn't exactly where you want to be, be thankful you have some place to rest your head at night.
(This us our backyard btw. Beautiful.)

5. Food.
We may not have a lot of it sometimes but we always have enough. I'm thankful my family gets to eat more then once a day. Food is another thing people take for granted. The local food ministry feeds hundreds of families daily and I know my few cans of food wont make a huge difference, but they do make a difference. So I'm thankful for food.

6. Family.
I have my moms side, dads side, step dads side, and all are pretty big and loud lol. I love it! Then there's my five sisters and seven nieces and nephews with one on the way. It's fun to go home at Christmas and see everyone and it's like every Christmas in the past like as if I didn't live so far away. And even though I live 984 miles from home, I still keep in touch with my family and they've always been so supportive in anything I do and I'm thankful to have that family bond.

I'm also thankful my family visits me!

7. My cat max.
Shut up if you're already thinking omg.. He's my baby boy! And I even tell my mom randomly thank you for letting me get him and then I tell David thank you for allowing him to live with us. He's mean and rude but those dead animals remind me he loves me and I love him. I'm thankful for my cat max. Life without a pet is boring to me.

8. Internet connection.
SO THANKFUL FOR INTERNET! My blog, facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix, I mean really I don't know what I would do without it. That's terrible but whatever. We're all guilty of it. Especially if you're reading this!

9. My job.
I work part time to get out the house and socialize with adults. I may not be the bread winner but I am thankful I have a job because without it I'd probably be in a mental institution. Staying home is hard! Taking care of the house and kids is hard! So whether I'm working as a mom or my paid job, I'm thankful I'm fortunate enough to stay home and take care of the house and kids and also thankful for the little bit if extra income.

10. My life.
I'm thankful for shoes, clothes, my hair, arms and legs, honestly I'm happy I'm alive. I'm thankful God has allowed me to live such a wonderful life. Of course I've had my bad days but the good outweighs the bad always. I love driving down the parkway and seeing to mountains. I love that my kids are happy and healthy. They're so smart and very well behaved. Our car may not be the best or prettiest but I'm thankful we have a car. I went to school for paralegal studies then decided it wasn't for me. I beat myself up for not going back to school because I don't know what to go back for. When I think about it I'm living the life I always wanted really. To be able to be a housewife and take care of the kids. I'm young and college will always be there when I'm ready. I plan to get a full time job when both kids are in school full time but till then I'm content. 
(My bitty babies! 😔)

Just because today is thanksgiving doesn't mean you should reflect on the year only today. I thank god all the time for everything. Even for the pretty flowers I'm like thank you lord those are beautiful you did a good job and thank you for allowing me to see them. It's the simple things in life that make me happy. 

So that's what I'm thankful for. Hope you all have a happy thanksgiving and eat a lot of wonderful food!  And remember to be thankful everyday not just today.

Much love,

Ps. I used older pictures for throwback Thursday lol.

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