Friday, January 30, 2015


Lemme tell you bout mama drama!

when you have something that puzzles you as a mom so you refer to your mother or other mommy friends or anyone you look up to as a mom for advice.

The creation of mama drama:
First off I wanna be the Gretchen Wieners of #mamadrama and say that I made up my own definition for it. Whenever I have that thought of, "Ughhhh! What should I do?!" its followed by "ima call my mama!" I guess you could also say it doesn't have to always be about your kids to have mama drama because I be calling my mama a lot with questions!!! After all mother knows best! I just wish I learned that sooner :/ unfortunately I didn't learn that till about 5 minutes after I had my first child...sorry mama.

On that note I'd like to add where I got the idea to forever go to my mother for my problems. (Other then the fact it all literally clicked after having a baby that she was always right.) At my baby shower there was a box where guest could write down inspiring quotes, mommy tips, what not to do, what I should do, stuff like that. I don't remember what they all said but I do remember what one said. It was from my best friends mom and it said, "when all else fails give her to grandma." I thought it was simple yet sweet and beautiful all at the same time. I also have to thank my mom for allowing me to keep my baby and I felt lucky that if I ever got to that mommy breakdown moment I could just go downstairs and knock on her door. So thanks mom. 

I also have to admit I find myself having mama drama now rather then when my child was an infant. Isabella was a crybaby and oh so complicated, but I did well with her! Now that she's older I'm calling my mom more with questions and frustrations on what to with her. A lot of it is school related. Like the other day I asked if it was okay if she used Siri to do homework. Which I'm still conflicted with, I'm open for your thoughts if you'd like to chime in about that situation. But my mother says it's fine so I allowed it. And she was using it on an extra credit project so I wasn't too worried about it. 

I tend to call my mom a lot more about my beautiful mess Anastasia. She doesn't see Anastasia as much as she sees Isabella because we live so far but when she does see her she understands everything I say about her lol. 

Some people think I'm too close to my mom but really she's my best friend! I hope to have the relationship I have with her with my own kids. I'll probably call her when I'm old and be like hey mom I'm trying to figure out (insert old people problem here) what should I do? And she's probably going to be like "well I know I did (old person problem) and liked it but I know someone who (old problem) and they liked it too. But I would suggest you (old problem solved)." You can say whatever you want about my relationship with my mother but she's the only mom I have. I will never get another. And as a mother myself, I'm so grateful for her. I get compliments all the time how well behaved my children are and they say it's a sign of my good parenting. I have my mom to thank for that. She says its a sign of her mothers parenting and I can only hope my children turn out to be such good mothers as well. I'm thankful to have such a wonderful mom that I can go to in times of need and she doesn't blow me off.

So that's about it! If you ever find yourself stumped on an issue of some sort let me be the first to say YOU HAVE MAMA DRAMA! And if you're reading this and don't have children, you'll know exactly what I mean about it all clicking that your mom, or mother figure of some sort was always right. After all moms only want what's best for their babies, so if the 1st lady says not to do it, don't do it. 

Here's my wonderful mama and my girls!

And here's my mothers mama's legacy 😉

See yall next time!

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