Tuesday, October 21, 2014

why halloween is my favorite holiday

A lot of people ask why I love the halloween season so much so here are my reasons:

1- it's a crafters dream! 
To be able to make a costume is fun enough, but sometimes we need an excuse why we're making one. Not all crafters are as insane as I am and need a costume for any big event lol. It's hard for me to believe some folks ONLY dress up on Halloween. So sad. It is the reality for most people, so Halloween lets them purge on costume design and making.

2- I love the colors! 
The fall colors of the trees, the Halloween associated colors, the pink for breast cancer awareness, I love them all! I live down the street from The Great Smoky Mountains and you don't know fall colors till you've seen them in the park! BEAUTIFUL! Probably one of the prettiest sights I've ever seen. If you've never been, Google it. Gorgeous! My favorite Halloween colors are purple, gold, and green. I love the classic orange and black but ever since I saw Minnie's dress at the Not So Scary Halloween Party I've been obsessed. Pink for breast cancer awareness is pink, need I say more?

3- The taste! 
Pumpkin spice everything please! I can't get enough of it! Yeah, I'm one of those girls lol. 

4- scary movies! 
I'm a HUGE fan of the horror genre and special effects makeup. To make someone look like they have a knife in their stomach and are bleeding but really aren't is beautiful to me. The time it takes to look the part and act the part so viewers think you're really dying is true art. I have so much respect for the horror industry. I only wish I could make such neat things. 

5- cool weather!
I said cool not cold! After long hot summers it's nice to have a breeze. 

6- I only party on Halloween!
I'm a mom and although I'm a young mom, I hung my party hat up years ago. I don't feel the need to go out to any party unless it involves a kids birthday, pampered chef, stuff like that. However on Halloween I RAGE! My kids and husband know this is the one night a year I am allowed to go out (or stay in) but get as stupid as I want and none of them care because it's one night a year. At 11pm on Halloween night I end my shift as a mommy and dust off my party hat and have the most fun possible! I get ONE night a year to act my age so I take full advantage! The next day my mommy duties continue and I struggle, but it's all worth it for one night a year to enjoy myself and relieve myself from all my motherly and wifey duties. Everyone needs a break! I don't need one all the time, nor do I want one all the time, but once a year I do need it!

7- it's the only time of year my son is accepted!
I have a black cat and he is my son, my baby boy. Throughout the year no one cares about black cats. In October they're everywhere! Most of the stores that carry anything halloween related will have something with a black cat on it. I love it! To see what looks identical to my baby boy on a mug is pretty neat. Some people probably think I got him because of my love for Halloween but I didn't. My friends cat had kittens and I wanted one but my mom said it had to be a boy. Boys are less of a hassle said my mother, who is also the mother to nothing but girls! How she came to that logic I'll never know.   I forget how many kittens were in the litter but I do remember they kept one boy, maybe two, but all that I had to chose from was the little black one. So I took him! It was destiny. 

8- candy!
It's candy and it's my favorite word, FREE! How awesome is that?! You say trick or treat and you get candy! I might have more children just so I can get more candy lol! Just kidding. Kinda.

9- the magic of halloween!
Whenever my kids put their costumes on I'm always like "oh hi strawberry shortcake! Have you seen Isabella?" And she replies, "moooommmm!! It's me! Isabella you're daughter!" And I always say "I didn't recognize you!!" So they really think they're the character of choice 😊 I think it's adorable. They'll even tell me, "mom that lady called me Elsa. She thought I was the real Elsa!" The magic of halloween!

10- our family tradition!
I always hoped to one day have a family of my own and start a tradition to be passed down for future generations. Our very first family tradition came by accident but has been a tradition for the past 3 years that we've lived in tennessee, we carve our pumpkins the night before halloween! The first year we had to wait for dad to have a day off to help and he only had one day off a week and it was usually the day before halloween because he had to work on Halloween. And it's happened like that ever since! He now has halloween off but we still carve the night before! 

So that's why I love halloween! 

Witching you a very spooky Halloween,


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