Wednesday, August 27, 2014

easy CHEAP diy sign

Welcome to my first diy!
I cannot help getting into the Halloween spirit already! I thought a Welcome sign would be cute this year for our door. I debated on making this because I wanted to keep my wreath, but also thought of making a new one. Instead our wreath from last year will now be placed on our columns and I may or may not make new ones to go on the other ones.. we'll see. Either way I knew when I saw this cardboard (in the trash) that it could be used for something much more wonderful. Who's down for saving our wonderful mother Earth?? ME!
Anywho, so lets get started!!
Things you'll need:
*cardboard cut into a rectangle
(you could use something else but this was
free and available lol)
*glue gun
*modge podge
*optional plastic spider
First cut to your desired size. I honestly found it like this and kept it as is.
Then you'll write what you want on it. I threw round A BUNCH of ideas and when it came down it my husband and I decided on a simple "Welcome" and what everyone likes to call the "Beetlejuice" stripe. It is very forgiving if you decide to write and then erase on the board. (trust me I did like 5 designs before I settled.)

Next you paint. I used acrylic paint because it's what I had on hand in my craft corner.

After that you modge podge. I did one coat just for gloss because we have a pretty large covered porch and I know the sign will not get wet or ruined. Otherwise I'd do a few more protecting coats and maybe use something other then cardboard for an outdoor sign. Totally do-able for an indoor sign though! :)

And here is my finished product! I had a random plastic spider that I glued on so it gave it more of a "Halloween" look. I'm also probably going to add a rhinestone or black rhinestone to the bow but haven't decided yet.

That's it! Super simple and super cheap! This sign cost me $0.00! My favorite! So next time you're throwing something away think of the beauty it can bring. Happy crafting!
love always,

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