Thursday, September 18, 2014

What No One Tells You About Baby #2

I thought in honor of one of my bestest in Texas having a baby (she had her a few weeks ago I'm late posting this lol) I'd blog about the life changes baby number two brings. I remember when we found out we were expecting baby number two. Isabella was such a good child I thought "oh this will be a breeze!" Ha! If only it were that easy. 

First there's the car.

If big brother/sister is in a car seat it's easier to put them in first!! I learned that the hard way. I thought oh I'll put the baby in since she's easier to strap in and then I'll put belle in.. I also keep my clicker to the car on me AT ALL TIMES! Why? Because Isabella likes to locks me out the car. There were a couple of times I'd start the car, get the heater going (both were winter babies) and while I'm buckling little sister there's 4yr old big sister hoping from front to back and touching all the buttons! Wouldn't ya know her favorite is the lock button. Kids, such wonderful little people. So I keep my clicker on me and learned to buckle the big one first! Once the big one learns to buckle themselves life gets a lot easier. Prayers to you if you nurse. Numerous times I've pulled over to feed the babe. It can delay your time to your destination but breast is best!

Now let's talk about breast feeding.

I don't think I need to explain the benefits of breast feeding. It's the best thing you can give your baby, but every baby is different and every parent is different so if you chose not to no judgement here! With belle I was discreet about my nursing. I went to the bathroom, different room, closet, anywhere not to be seen! With saige I didn't care. I was giving my baby the best form of food and once I even told a couple at a restaurant "Why don't you eat with a blanket over your head!" I was never one of those moms to just pop it out, I did cover myself so no one saw my nipple but once she was latched I took it off. Half the time no one even knew she was feeding till they would try to touch her and I was like, "I'm feeding!" Difference between one and two, number two you don't care who sees you feed that baby!

That brings me to our next topic, outings.

It doesn't get easier. I'd love to tell you it does but it doesn't. I have yet to conquer the fine art of grocery shopping with two. When number two first came number one was upset there was no room in the basket for her to ride. When a car cart was available we took it and that was nice till little sister grew up and wanted to drive too. When number one outgrew the car number two wanted to walk like a big girl too. And with both walking they're touching stuff and talking and it's a mess. I recently went shopping at Walmart and they're the only grocery store in town that has the carts with two seats for bigger little kids. I might forever be grocery shopping there now. When it came to stroller shopping I wanted a double stroller. I knew Isabella wouldn't want to walk anywhere we went, I know my child. My mom always said you never want to buy a stroller you can't open by yourself or is hard to push with one hand. So off to babies r us we went for a new stroller. Belle hated the double strollers! She said she was content with walking so I bought a single stroller. I should have went with my gut because wouldn't ya know it number one hates walking!
Numerous times they'd opt to ride like this. Big sisters and the power they have over little sisters..

Life with two is such an adventure. It's so much different then I thought it would be. My girls are 4 years and 4 days apart, if yours are older or younger I'd love to hear your stories! These are a few of my "what no one ever tells you about baby number two" tips lol. And yes I actually call my children one and two. I've found it easier to number them personally. If you're thinking of number two I will tell you this, I enjoyed growing up with siblings and I love watching my two play together and grow together. Don't let this article scare you away from number two. Two is a lot different then I had originally anticipated.. (Like, A WHOLE LOT!) but it has been such a joy! 

Thanks for reading! Hope you've enjoyed a look into life with two! Now time to regulate my hooligans..

This has been a real true, #confessionsofahousewifee.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Halloween table

Welcome once again to another diy!

Today we will be making candle sticks, cake display, and floral centerpiece. All of which cost me $8.76 to make! Hollaaaaaa!!

I'm a Pinterest junkie and when I saw these Dollar store candles, I knew I HAD to make them! I did mine on the cheap (yes, cheaper then the dollar store!) because the dollar store didn't have the candle holders lol. So here's how to make mine:
  • Candles- $0.20
  • Candle holders- $1.18 for two
  • Paint- FREE from my craft corner!

As you can see my candlesticks were oddly colored so i had to paint them. I bought these at goodwill btw. 

I was going to paint the holders but I think I like them as is. Gives them character ;)

The cake stand, also Pinterest inspired. There are tonsssss of tutorials on different ones but this is mine:
               *plate $0.79
               *candle holder $0.59

(Bought from goodwill as well)

I was also going to paint these but once again I dig them as is. So next all you do is glue! I used E6000. Why? I don't know just didn't wanna plug in my glue gun and I know it's a good glue lol. I did however put a my organizer aka my binder on top to secure the hold till it dried.

See^^ lol

Floral centerpiece, I always have something of this sort on my table and last years was cute but BASIC. This year I stepped it up a notch but kept it simple.

             ~vase $1.00
             ~flowers $2.00
             ~purple and orange things? (If you know the real name good for you) $2.00
             ~spider ribbon $1.00
             ~hay lookin stuff..(again good for you if you know the real name lol) FREE from craft corner.
             It was left overs from my mason jar floral arrangement I currently have on the table for summer.

(Don't mind those skeletons I'm not sure what to do with them yet lol)

I put the hay stuff in and the flowers came with cute spiders so I put them in there as well. It looks super creepy! To me anyways lol. Then I arranged the flowers and purple and orange things. And when I say arranged I mean I threw them in there. I'm no florist. And I like to let my hands be free and do whatever feels best to them. That's art people. Embrace it!

If you have a black cat nearby get their approval on anything halloween related. Max approves.

Finally add ribbon with a cute bow and done!!

(Tablecloth from Joann's was $4.99, I just bought it right before I took this picture teehee☺️)

Don't mind those pumpkins I'm still unsure what to do with them but I had nothing else to put on the stand at the moment. Those are from the dollar store, but I did not include them in the total cost because they are from last year. My kids colored faces on them.. Anywho, special thanks to my little sister Claire for taking weird pics of her eye on my iPad! And shout out to my mom for the birthday money she sent which I used for these items 😊 money well spent if you ask me! Hope you all enjoyed my little tutorial! Happy crafting! 
