Saturday, November 23, 2013


for those of you who don't already know me, I'm Susan :)
I'm 23.
mother of two.
i don't care much for grammar.. (crazy right considering I'm writing a blog lol)
i love animals.
even though I'm young, I've pretty much been there and done that.
Texas raised and living in Tennessee since 2011.
i love love love to craft!

when i moved to Tennessee i was a stay at home mom but my kids literally drove me crazy, so i got a part time job. which is great for me considering we didn't have any friends or family and i needed adult conversation.

let me introduce my family:

David is my husband. well not really, I've been with him since i was 14 but we're not married. i love him to death and want to marry him, but i also want a big wedding. if it takes a few more years to plan and save for it I'm fine with that. i deserve it! and we've made it this long..

Isabella is our oldest daughter. i found out i was pregnant with her the end of my sophomore year in high school and delivered the week before Christmas break of my junior year. my life before her was drugs, parties, and obviously a little bit of sex in the mix.. ( sorry mom but its true..) she truly saved me. she is such a little lady. she has perfect manors, makes excellent grades, she has curly light brown hair and is always so sweet! her sister on the other hand...well she's why i decided to get a part time job when i didn't have too..

Anastasia is the little/big sister. she's always been big for her age and bless her she is such a brute. i found out i was pregnant with her my 2nd year in college...and if you haven't put the pieces together yet, my girls are four years and four days apart. needless to say David doesn't even look at me in the month of march! she has long straight light brown hair, she's not very nice, she can be a sweetie from time to time, she has okay manners,  but she's so adorable it's impossible not to love her! even when she's mean!

my parents split when i was little. my dad and i keep in touch over the phone and he's drove up here before. my mom aka Mimi to the kids, is probably one of the best moms on the planet! she's done an excellent job raising my sisters and myself. before i got pregnant we both thought the parents were to blame when kids did stuff that wasn't acceptable. but then when i got pregnant i told her it wasn't anything she did wrong. she did everything right. but what can i say, teenagers will be stupid teenagers! she's always taught me you live and you learn and the day i had belle it all just clicked. i was like wow my mom was right all along! but you can't tell a teen that because they know everything..

my step dad mike has been with my mom since i don't know when. forever it seems. my kids know him as pop pop. it was so funny because belle would say all these words and she would never say grandpa. then one day she just called him pop pop and the rest is history! i also have him to thank for my well being. he's played a pretty big role in my life as well. i saw how great of a dad he was to my sisters and i and i had always hoped one day my kids would have a good dad like him. and luckily they do! i know my real dad meant well and I'm sad we barely formed a relationship but it's better late then never.

my parents went from two grand kids to seven in a year.

i have a million sisters! well actually just five.

there's Kat, she's my blood sister. (same mom, same dad) she's four years older then me. (we're just like my kids!) she's a lesbian and we all adore her wife Meghan! they have four cats who are like our nieces and nephews. she's seriously been there and done that and back again! i admire her for her strength and courage to make the trip to hell and back so many times. she doesn't go anymore thank god.

Tiffany is my step sister. she has two kids, a boy and a girl. pathan and haze is what we call them. she's the definition of miss.independent! i praise her for that all the time!!

Alicia is my step sister. she has three kids, Michael the poop, and the twins jayla for layla. again, those are our nick-names for them. i pray for her all the time. i lose my mind with my two kids. i couldn't imagine twins and then another! she's crazy and i like to be mean to her, but she knows i love her.

Amby is my other step sister. she has no kids! she's in her 2nd year of college...honestly she is the only sister i don't keep up with so I'm not sure what her major is. if it wasn't for facebook i wouldn't even know her birthday. I'm not sure why but it's like i go brain dead when it comes to her lol. she is doing everything the "right" way if there is such a thing. I'm proud she never gave into the life of crime or anything crazy like that.

Claire is my half sister. same mom, different dads. we're ten years apart. she spends the summers with me. poor kid will never get away with anything because our parents know all the tricks thanks to us. she's always acted a little older then her age, again thanks to us. i love being incredibly stupid with her! i probably miss her the most.

so now you know myself and the people i will most likely mention in my blogs. just wanted to give you an introduction to my family so you wouldn't be lost in some of my post. i like to ramble so i hope you all like to read!

till next time!
xo -susan.