Thursday, February 12, 2015

Love is real.

The age old question, what is love? Why do we love? How do we love? 

With Valentine's Day coming up I thought I'd tell you my experience with love. If you ask me there are different types of love. You can love a hobby or food with all your life. That's real and that's true. The type of love I'm talking about today involves people. If you've ever questioned if there is such a thing, I'm here to tell you there is.

I know there is such a thing as true love. I've experienced it and it's beautiful. You just know there is absolutely not one thing you would not do to bring a smile to their face. And it happens in an instant. You always dream of it and when it happens it takes control over everything and consumes you. You ask yourself how you ever lived without this being. All you want to do is hold them and love them and give them everything you have. You can't take your eyes off of them and you never want to. You worry about going to sleep because you could stay up all night looking at their beautiful perfect face. You'd give anything to be with them always. Your life changes right before your eyes. The best part is this person is yours. They belong to you. Forever and always, you'll be together. Till death do you part, and even after that you'll be with them because real love never dies.

Why do we love? 
We can't help but love. We need to love people with all that we have to experience pure bliss. Everyone deserves to feel that. You give them all your heart and soul and the outcome will always be great. You'll get a sense of pride that you did this, you made this, this is you. The feeling of love is real and it's wonderful.

How do we love?
We just do! You can't describe it but when you feel it you'll know. You just know.

Love gives you life.

I know that I love my parents for giving me life. 
My mother is the best person in the world, we've been through this. My stepdad is the best type of dad a girl could ask for. Blood does not make a parent a parent. I love my real dad because he's my dad! Without him I wouldn't be here. There isn't anything either of them could do to make me stop loving them. All my strength and weakness comes from the three of them. They all give me life.

I love my sisters for giving me life.
I love them for giving me great stories to tell people. We were fools for sure. I love them for teaching me what true friendship is all about. Without them my family wouldn't be as loud and large. They give me life.

I love my husband for giving me life.
I've never once questioned my love for him. My stepdad told me you don't know what love is until you have a child. The day I had Isabella the third thought that came to mind was, I really love David. And I still do. I like to think that it was love at first sight because to this day I remember being at that football game and him turning around and asking if I saw that tackle. It's like time froze. There was no one there but me and him. And when I think about it I can see it all in my head and I'm taken back to 2004. I thought I loved him but it wasn't until I had our baby that I knew I really did. We've literally grown up together and I can't wait to grow old together. He gives me life.

My life.
If you've ever read my About Me on my blog you'd know I said, "my life really began when I became a mom." And that's true. I live for my children. Ultimately they give me life. This whole post is dedicated to them. The true love i described is about the moment I met my kids and fell in love. My love for them wasn't instant. When I found out I was pregnant I wasn't happy. I hated myself for being careless. I didn't want to be a mom. Then I felt her kick. It took my breath away. I thought how beautiful life is. How lucky I was to even be able to have a baby. This baby was mine. If I had nothing else in the world, I'd always have her. And she's all I would ever need. Then when I found out I was expecting again I was not to thrilled. David and I weren't on the best of terms and I thought if I had this baby it would ruin mine and belle's life. But then I remembered saying the same thing about her and look how wonderful it's been. When we decided to work it out and have a baby we were excited but I worried I wouldn't love her how I love belle. I thought I loved Isabella so much there's just no way I could possibly love another baby like I love her. I loved the baby, I was just scared she would always be second best. I was more worried on the day we went to be induced. But then she came into the world and I saw her and fell in love all over again. All those emotions and feelings I had when I first saw Isabella I had for Anastasia. My heart grew and I learned I could love both my girls equally. When they met and belle held her for the first time it was beautiful. My whole life was sitting right in front of me. Two little girls that neither of them I asked for stole my heart. All that I was, all that I am, and all that I'll ever be are in those two little girls. That curly wild hair baby and that big baby of mine were just that. They are mine. They give me life.

Without my parents I wouldn't be here. Without my sisters I wouldn't have had such a great childhood. Though my childhood was cut short, I met David when I was just a kid and together we made Isabella. Then just as I was out of my teens we were blessed to have another and name her Anastasia. They keep me crazy and sane all at the same time. They make the past beautiful, the present great, and the future bright. They make life worth living. I started my parenting journey younger then most but there's still not one thing I would change. I love this life I have with them.

Love gives you life. 

There may be different types of love, and you may love people differently, but love is definitely real. And when you truly experience it, it's wonderful. 

To my two girls, I love yall with all my heart and soul.